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        Consortium for Universal Health System Metrics -      A CMS Qualified Registry




Our MACRA Programs
Our MACRA Program

Patient Adherence Measures
Behavioral Health (BH)
BH Measures
















Audience: Provider Organizations - Registry/Consortium/Academy


Purpose: Assessment of Membership's ability to participate in QCDR / QPP submission.


To better help your providers fulfill their CMS QPP report requirements, please answer our assessment below.


Please answer the questions below as best you can . 

If exact figures are not know, please estimate.

The results are confidential.


1. How many Medicare providers are members of your organization?   


2.What provider organization is most prevalent within your membership?   


------------ Report & Record keeping capabilities


2. What is the primary method used by your providers for patient records?

Note: if no EHR, PM or web software is primarily used, please also see assessment_provider_w/no_ehr


3. What is the percentage of your providers that currently maintain electronic records? 
(i.e. via EHR, PM, management agency, medical billing service, web tool) 


4. Which patient record elements are commonly kept by your providers?  
Please type in the categories of information

Examples: Weight, Height, BP (Sys/Dias) A1c Lab results,
Hospitalization - Admin/Discharge, Rx/Prescriptions,
Mobility, Depression, Elderly

---------  QPP participation

5. What percentage of your membership has participated in QPP in prior years?   %


6. What was the primary QPP submission method? 

6b. What measures were submitted by your providers?  Enter 'NA' if not known.

(Please list the measure numbers)  


7. Would a small panel of prospective QPP participants be interested in a pilot QCDR program for the 2016 QPP reporting year?  


8. Please estimate the percentage of your membership will participate in QPP during the 2016 reporting period?    %


9. Please describe any specialty measures that your organization may wish to sponsor.


10. Please enter any other details here.

Feel free to elaborate on any of the answers provided above that you would deem helpful.

(example: list all methods used by your providers for patient records.


------------  Contact information

The following information enable us to contact you. 


What is your email address? 


What is your phone number (please include extension)




  More information at these links:
Home Up

CUHSM QCDR Measures approved by CMS - Non QPP Program - Patient Adherence Measures
• 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2017_07_Non_Compliance_letter • 2017_QCDRbenchmarks •

Contact Us

For more information, contact us via email at clientservices@cuhsm.org

Phone:  (888) 979-2499 x2

Universal Health System Metric Tools referenced on this site:
CMS Submission Toolkit, CST-CMS Submission Template, PQRS
Audit Tool, PQRS Validator, GPRO Aggregator,
    QCDR-HISP, QRDASolutions, and
NwHIN Sleuth are trademarks of CMS Gateways, LLC
All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

QCDR-HISP = Qualified Clinical Data Registry - Health Information Service Provider

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Last modified: Tuesday November 10, 2020.