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        Consortium for Universal Health System Metrics -      A CMS Qualified Registry




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Patient Adherence Measures
Behavioral Health (BH)
BH Measures
















BAA language

directly addresses the scope of data ownership questions.  There are two standard BAA boilerplates:
     - Software as a service (SaaS) and
     - Application Host Provider (AHP)

A cogent summary of the legal ramifications are as follows:

CMS Submission process with standard SaaS BAA: You can easily also lose ownership and control of your clinical data; the common SaaS (software as a service) BAA used by other vendors makes data hostage situations more likely under many situations, including legal depositions and CMS data access requirements.


CMS Submission process with AHP BAA  Your organization retains ownership and control of your clinical data; our AHP (Application Host Provider) BAA eliminates data hostage situations, wherein you have full control over situations such as legal depositions and CMS data access requirements.


CUHSM.ORG  provides your organization with legal protection from legal exposure by using the AHP BAA

In the last few years Software as a Service (SaaS)

has been accepted as a core concept. SaaS is a software delivery paradigm where the software is hosted off-premise and delivered via web to a large number of tenants and the mode of payment follows a subscription model. Configurability allows the single instance multiple tenant model which leads to many benefits both for the customers and the vendors which in turn has led to the acceptance and popularity of SaaS. Configurability in SaaS software aims to provide tenants/customers with a multitude of options and variations using a single code base, such that it is possible for each tenant to have a unique software configuration. Few advanced commercial electronic contract management applications use a single code base with configuration options to support multitenants Software as a Service (SaaS) has emerged making expensive business applications more affordable for small and medium businesses (SMB) and very small businesses (SVB) for multi-tenancy. The paper aims to provide information on the nature of configurability in SaaS software, how it can be provided and the technologies needed to support it. We also describe several novel methods used in the metadata, security and shared services, as well as customization and tenant extensions modules to support multi-tenancy SaaS in this application. This new multi-tenancy SaaS model can reduce the application hosting cost and make the application more affordable to the tenants because of its capabilities in customization and scalability while continuing to support an increasing variety of configurable applications.



More information on "Who owns data?" can be found here

  More information at these links:
Home Up SaaS AHP2

CUHSM QCDR Measures approved by CMS - Non QPP Program - Patient Adherence Measures
• 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2017_07_Non_Compliance_letter • 2017_QCDRbenchmarks •

Contact Us

For more information, contact us via email at clientservices@cuhsm.org

Phone:  (888) 979-2499 x2

Universal Health System Metric Tools referenced on this site:
CMS Submission Toolkit, CST-CMS Submission Template, PQRS
Audit Tool, PQRS Validator, GPRO Aggregator,
    QCDR-HISP, QRDASolutions, and
NwHIN Sleuth are trademarks of CMS Gateways, LLC
All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

QCDR-HISP = Qualified Clinical Data Registry - Health Information Service Provider

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Last modified: Tuesday November 10, 2020.