1 System setup is one time charge when EHR does not change
with regard to exported patient record format.
2 If provider's EHR
installation is not compliant with applicable ONC and/or CMS
specifications, CUHSM will need to process convert the patient data to
be compliant with ONC regulations. Extra charges will apply for
this conversion.
3 'Submission proof' is similar to the 'proof'
you would receive from a printer for your review before submission.
Another advantage for using a 'Submission proof': CMS
regulations enable QCDRs to report 50% of the applicable patient panels
for a specific measure. A QCDR could to request a 'proof' to
select what patient panel best reflects the performance of the provider.
This patient panel 'proof' is a spreadsheet. This charge
applies for each review iteration.
See Data
Sleuth.. for our data integrity medical record
processing. If any errors occur due to data entry or other reason,
CMS will summarily reject the submission and tabulate errors of
this nature. CUHSM enables your organization to eliminate this
regulatory burden with Data integrity process which checks for 52 types
of data errors, error sorting, encoding & processing. Multi-tier
data integrity checks
Advantages of our cost structure
Our QCDR-HISP (Health Information Service Provider) program eliminates
all of the large upfront costs and delays associated with the
development of in-house computer systems that generate QPP submissions.
We also eliminate the significant annual financial outlays required to
MAINTAIN QPP systems that must be constantly updated to reflect
continually fluctuating regulatory conditions. |